Due to time constraints, congestion and some narrow streets in La Paz we can only offer free pick ups at hostels/hotels located in our central La Paz pick up zone (covers 95% of all touristic hotels and hostels). We unfortunately cannot go down as far as Sopocachi District, the southern end of Avenida Murillo, the Zona Sur, the bus terminal or the airport.

Use our drop-down below to see if your hotel/hostel is on our pick-up list. If it is on the list, then we do pick-up you up from there in La Paz.

Check if your hotel/hostel is on our pick-up list below:

If it is on the list, then we do pick-up you up from there in La Paz.

What If My Hotel/Hostel Is NOT On The Above List?

If you can’t find your hostel/hotel on this list, please email us at info@boliviahop.com and we’ll check why it’s not on our list or to see if it’s outside of our pick-up zone. Or if you prefer, simply select WILD ROVER HOSTEL – CALLE COMERCIO 1476 at the time of booking as your pick-up location in central La Paz.

Connecting From Uyuni

If you are arriving back into La Paz from Uyuni early in the morning and wish to leave straight away, then normally provided there are no delays with your arrival it is possible to connect directly with our bus leaving La Paz. Just a couple of blocks from the main bus terminal (or the Todo Turismo terminal – the recommended option for Uyuni-La Paz if you have yet to book your tickets) is WILD ROVER HOSTEL – CALLE COMERCIO 1476 which you should select as your pick up. Wild Rover hostel kindly allow non guests travelling with Bolivia Hop to wait inside the hostel for our bus departure so it is much nicer, warmer and safer than waiting outside another hotel on the street. You must be there at 06:45 ready for pick-up between 06:45 and 06:55am.

Speak to someone from our team by phone!


    Where are you from?

    We will call you at this number, please make sure its correct.

    Your number (required)



    Your Name (required)

    Email (required)

    What time should we call you? Our hours of operation are from 9am to 7pm Peruvian time.

      Peruvian time now is: 9:15 am